Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Mark Lester De Guzman!

I'm creating this post as early as before 12 midnight gets in. It's better to be advance than to be late tho. Haha! 

To one of the most superb persons I've ever known and met...

Happy Happy Birthday Mark Lester!

You're turning 20 and welcome to the world of 20's! Haha! You can never bully me about being 23 because you're actually getting out of the teenage bracket now. Yesterday will be your heyday as we're moving forward. I'm happy that you grew up as gentle as what a man should be. Knowing that there's a person like you standing beside and right behind me makes me feel fearless and strong. I'll do the same thing not because it is needed, but because I want and I'd love to. Thank you for every single minute of your patience and understanding. I will look after you without getting tired of doing so. Distance won't get us. Don't be scared of growing old because you'll never grow alone as long as we're here, as long as I'm here. Know that no matter the choices you'll make, I will support you. Happiest birthday and cheers to being 20! 

And as a little surprise for you as you are about to take your road to 20, I made this video with  greetings for you. It may be simple and plain but allow its thoughtfulness widen your smile. God bless! Have a blast! :)

Now Playing: New Thang - Redfoo
: Happy Birthday!
: Migs Lorenzana

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Things I Should Have Told You

Photo: Favimages

Hey ya! It's August and July just flew so fast, so let's expect floods of "August be good to me." As I've said, months have nothing to do with your life and your productivity. 

As for the first day of August, I have so many things to say and I can't say it, or maybe, I just don't. I don't know why am I doing this entry, but, I just want to spare a time now classifying my friends and these random people I've known under this chart of words. Mostly annoyance because it's easier to say good things in person, less offensive. I could keep this in mind and act like a dope for talking behind my nerve cell, however, it's insane to do it alone. I'm not that too vocal in person, so if you think that I don't have something or anything to say about you, it doesn't always go that way. Friends, and random ones, if you feel like I'm talking to you, that's great!

1. Not because your simple, means you're not pretty. You're one of the prettiest girl to ever set feet on earth.

2. You're eloquent and a good speaker. If you do argue with others, don't think that you're a troublemaker. You're just putting up a good fight because you know what is right from wrong.

3. Are you gay? If no, are you sure?

4. Your sincere sorry will bring back what we've lost. But I'm afraid you could not give it. I know you, but people change. Right?

5. Stop being bitter about other's success. If they are becoming on top, it's because they struggle a lot and you don't.

6. Don't brag about your gadgets. Mind telling you, it came from your parents' savings and not yours. So shut the fuck up! You haven't proved anything yet.

7. Stop judging others and don't act like you're perfect. Respect each other's differences.

8. Wag kang tanga! Niloloko ka na, gusto mo pa din. Walang award diyan.

9. You are funny. You make things laughable all the time. Thank you! Continue giving joy and smile to everyone, even if it often ends to mocking someone.

10. Wag kang magparamdam pagka't di kita mararamdaman! Kati mo!

11. I know that in times of trouble, and when you're in need, that's the only time you'll reach for me. In short, you are a user.

12. Puro ka yabang at papogi! Para kang bulalo!

13. Sometimes, I feel like there's an unfair treatment in our circle. Sometimes I feel like I don't belong for being a guy with a lot of things to say regarding this or that, while the rest don't have. I even feel like comparison is there, between the guy you all like and the guy you think is the kindest for putting no words in any matters. Sometimes your jokes appear to be hurtful, but I tend to behave and say nothing because it's useless and CLEARLY UNFAIR. If I crack joke towards you, you have the right to get mad and all, but if you crack joke against me, all I could do is just shut, because if I get mad, you'll get mad too (joke nga lang eh, bakit nagagalit ka? Nakakainis ka). Can I get an equal share of behavior and treatment?


15. Stop your paranoia. It makes things worst. If you continue this, you'll find yourself alone, without friends and buying happiness from shopping cart.

16. I don't feel any pity on you and it doesn't make me heartless. It wouldn't define me. If your life is jammed with mishaps, it's all your cause, 'cause you're a terrible person. I told you, karma finds its own way to strike.

17. You're not living in a monastery to get mad at us whenever you hear us speaking malicious stuff. Try to open your eyes and you'll see that you're barefooted on this shaded world. Tell me, if ever you get married, wouldn't you have a sexual intercourse with him? Silly! That's the reality! Be open-minded, we're not green-minded, you're just a narrow-minded.

18. You are intelligent and an encyclopedic woman. I admire you for that. I'd like to hang out with you. I just can't approach you.

19. Don't look for a faithful guy when you can't even be faithful. Stop saying "wala ng matinong lalaki at stick to one" because you can never have something proper when you're improper! The hell!

20. Stop being an underdog! You should shine and rise! You've got something to say and show.

21. Hey man! Being single won't make you ugly, and not necessarily mean you are. It's not the end of  your world. Things happen for a reason. God is good.

22. Why do you stalk my social media accounts? WHY?

23. Don't let others define you. Just do what's your passion. If they criticize your work, know how to defend it. Don't get yourself on knee. They're just insecure because you're doing better. Proceed on your passion to draw. 

24. I ain't competing. If we're both engaging in art industry, so be it. We have different style. Here's the thing, you are having an art class as part of your college program and I'm not taking any, but I can literally create an art.

25. There's nothing wrong if you are mingling with your RK (rich kid) friends, do things and glass raising with them, you can squander your money the way how they slide theirs on the table, IF! If you you've got something to say in life. Your family is suffering from a financial problem, and what you actually does right now is not a sign of maturity. Social climber at its finest!

26. Please stop copying and pasting my facebook status, and even personal tweets, particularly my OWN IDEAS! Don't take the credits.

27. Your talent is so so so great! You are already professional at your young age. I am so inspired whenever you work with your paintings, arts in multimedia and sketches. Idol na nga kita eh! I want to be like you. Can't believe I want to be the person whose age is just a year younger hahaha!

28. You cannot use your "gwapo" face to endow for your future. You need SKILLS! Pleasing personality may be adhesive in job qualifications, but what will happen if these leaders are in search for multi-talented?

29. You're one of the nicest and humblest stylist I've ever met. You're a great person and I'm happy that you are as you are. I'll salute you everyday.

30. Hi bitch! Be informed

31. You're just a friend and will always be. I'm sorry but that's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

32. Thank you for being kind to me and for being there whenever I need a great friend.

33. Sorry for the shortcomings as your friend. I know you're upset, but I'll make it up to you. I miss you!

34. Gusto kong sabihin na kulto yang relihiyon mo! Wala kayong ibang ginawa kundi laiitin yung relihiyon namin. Kakabanas kayo!

35. Gustong gusto ko talaga 'to sabihin sa mukha mo ng harap harapan. Tangina mo! Gago! Napakasama ng ugali mo! Puro ka satsat wala ka namang utak!

36. Thank you for the help and for the moral support whenever I have works to do. You always believe in my aptitude. Thank you so much!

37. Stop commenting on someone's political deeds. You're not even good at it! Halatang nakikisakay ka lang, irrelevant naman yung mga sinasabi mo.

38. Shit! Napakaganda mo! Crush na crush talaga kita :(

39. I really feel sad now that you're no longer together :( you guys are really compatible to each other. Hope there's a second chance for the both of you. Even though you're both guys.

40. I love you so much! Nothing would be the same if you did not exist. You've come in the most unexpected way. Please bear with my mood and have more patience. Sorry for being "pasaway". I am the luckiest guy because I have you. I miss you so much! :)

Now Playing: No one's here to sleep - Naughty Boy feat. Bastille
: Migs Lorenzana

Friday, July 24, 2015

Universal Brings The Fifth Sequel Of Jurassic Park In June 2018

What did I say regarding my last entry about Jurassic Park? There is a chance of 5th installment.

After the record-breaking ticket sales of Jurassic World with $1.52 billion, the Universal announced that they are on works for the sequel of Jurassic World, which will be called Jurassic World 2. It is said to hit the theaters on June 22, 2018. 

My thoughts about the immediate announcement of the Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment about the sequel go with the another aim to break their own record in theaters, or maybe break evenly, as it is the third highest grossing film of all time, and the highest grossing film Universal Pictures ever distributed. That's how business and market work. If the first launch thumped the target market, anticipate for the second because you can't miss to gross further.  But of course, we'll have to wait for 3 years. They are in pre-production now, cooking up the script and maybe a new hybrid dinosaur since there were stains from the experiment, but it doesn't show until June 22, 2018, and that is too tedious. What's favorable now is during the preceding time, it takes 4 years before they produce another installment of Jurassic Park, with the Jurassic World who lost the intervening time because after the JP 3 which was shown in 2001, it was only shown this 2015 that took 14 years, instead of its original release date in 2005. Now, the intervening period for each sequel has become three on count. So the feeling is mutual to all the Dinosaur fans. It's Eggziting!

Now Playing: Knock you down
 - Keri Hilson feat. Kanye West and Neyo
: Migs Lorenzana

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

6 Things I've Digested From Annalise Keating

A resilient woman once said, "We are all capable of terrible things." and I thought of it as somewhat true. People are skillful, whether to commit mistakes or make things right. This poetic woman who's also frisky and deceitful, infiltrated a lot of principles in my brain that I never once fathomed. Watching her twisting every single case she's up with was surreal and mind-blowing, not because she's apt for any lawsuit, but because she's way encyclopedic to gain bullets and rebuttals all the time. Annalise Keating has so much to indoctrinate, and the matter would just diverge us from acquiring her edifies or make us hate her for being a madwoman though.

I've learned 6 things from Annalise, and I'm not subsisting these. These things can be sarcastically realized and worth considering anyhow.

1. What you don't understand is not my concern.
                Sometimes, we hardly dig for a further explanation just to make them understand the things we interpret. Even if it won't appear reasonable to them, we'll try to arrange the details, and Annalise is not up with paying even a single concern on someone's ignorance. What she has said once should be understood unprejudiced. Yea, why would waste time explaining when they are not absorbing anything?

2. Eminent people are also bitch.
                It's not that I grew up seeing busy people spend their day working the pile of papers they have to bring off, or dedicating themselves to their profession and forget the necessities that a person should obtain, that made me realized this phase in a proficient person's life. So I was wrong thinking that busy people couldn't be as bitch as that on street? You don't get a boyfriend when you have a psychologist husband, and the fact that you have two lawsuits to win in a day with two or more deliberations for the line up cases. Super bitch charged!

3. Trust your instinct.
                If you think that your partner had sex with another person, then maybe he/she really did it. Check their phones if highly suspicious, you might find a photo of penis or pussy. But hey! Sometimes it's okay to listen to their explanations. Let them confess, and if they're barely trying to save their ass by lying consistently, chain them under a hanging bulb and act as a psychologist promptly.

4. Pride is more important than your partner?
                 So the students of Annalise killed Sam and what's disturbing was she condoned the crime and sued none because her pride was trampled after knowing the infidelity that left a seed, especially that she's venerable and might appear hideous if exposed. Another thing is, framing them up just to save our little ass from the consequences. Well, I will always choose my partner especially if worth keeping for. There's always turn of events in our lives that will challenge the extremity of our pride, but don't let it make us heinous.

5. Trust no one even your best auxiliary. Just yourself.
                  Your assistant might have been on bed with your husband before you park your car in the garage, or kissed him torridly right before your awareness. Everyone can stab you whether in front or behind, you just have to withstand the adverse conditions and be like Annalise. Fire them! (and hired them back when you're really in need and really damaged, haha!) You don't know who anyone really is, you just know them by their own basic identity.

6. Being too clever and astute means a modern psychopath.
                   Well, it's like you know everything and you have the power beyond these matters. It makes you delusional, obsess and overrated. That's what makes a modern psychopath exists, and that makes Annalise a psychopath. 

"No matter how smart you are, you need everyone to think you are." 
- Annalise Keating

Now Playing: Slowed Down - Visuals

Friday, June 19, 2015

8 Facts You Might Want To Know About Jurassic World

8. 14 years in the making.
         Jurassic World was set to dominate the world in 2005, midst of summer, but ended up showing this 2015. This 14-year-in-the-making film have undergone a series of script revisions and casts selection. They also used a lot of CGI's instead of animatronics. New casts and new director under Collin Trevorrow. Everything is new!

7. Jurassic World is within reach through a decent website.
         The marketing and promotion people created a viral site for fans, as Masrani Global Corporation, so they could visit the park itself, learn more about dinosaurs and interact with the alter realistic personnel behind this. With the main tabs as  About, Careers, Jurassic World, Media, Investors, and InGen, surely this website can make the movie franchise like a living prehistoric. And people can apply for a position too, if desire. What? It's really worth a great of effort.

6.  The hunting returns on Isla Nublar.
         Unlike the two sequel (Jurassic Park 2 and 3), the Jurassic World was built back on Isla Nublar where it all began. In the movie, the first established main base was now a relic in a savage jungle, destroyed by the raged of T-rex way back. Just a little respect for the banner that Nick Robinson burned into torch to enlighten the dimmed place. Man! That's consider remains of the first disaster of Jurassic Park. It was a history.

5. John Hammond transferred his supremacy to Simon Masrani as the new CEO.
         After Richard Attenborough, the guy behind the portrayal of John Hammond, died at the age of 90, we can't consider a moving Hammond through the work of CGI. So for the glory of the Jurassic franchise, providing a new disastrous man will continue the intensity. Embodied by Irrfan Khan, Simon Masrani has got all the power to conduct the operation of making Jurassic Park possible again. Well, the difference between Masrani and Hammond, aside from the race, was the fact that Hammond survived the dinosaurs, and the misfortune case for Masrani after the helicopter crashed. Tsk tsk. What a bad luck.

4. I shall return by Dr. Henry Wu.
         His first cameo role in Jurassic Park "Extinction" as the chief geneticist of InGen, Dr. Henry Wu played by B.D Wong, has a reprise role in Jurassic World. Don't underestimate the power of cameos, they may continue existing after 22 years. They could have the longest role even if their exposures were bit short. Now, he's the reason of the existence of Indominus Rex. His role is larger noooow!! Way to go!

3. The existence of the never existed dinosaur.
         We are all familiar with the veteran Tyrannosaurus Rex who ruled the world million years ago, and guess what? She's up with a dino fight with the newly created monster, a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur, the Indominus Rex. This man-created dino is so intelligent that even man cannot fathom though. I was just quite surprised that the claws of Indominus rex are pretty much bigger and sharper, but how could the T-rex managed to survive it when she didn't in Spinosaurus'? So Jurassic Park 3 had deprived supremacy for T-rex? Oh boy! In addition, did I see a hybrid Pterodactyl as well?

2. Velociraptors are tamed.
         Say what?! These raptors are being taken care of by Owen, the trainer and considered alpha, for military reason. So it tells us that it's okay to pet a carnivore because they can always be nourished and somewhat domesticated if persisted? Anyway, they did not cause any vexation here.

1. Jurassic Park 5 is possible!
          Simply because, in the film, Dr. Wu helicoptered off the island with the dinosaurs' embryos, protecting his research. With all the destruction of the park, the plot will circulate again with the dinosaurs roaming and hunting around the island. Tell me if I have misunderstood the hidden meaning and predicting a wrong one. I don't think so. This is just the new beginning of the modernized and reopened park.

Now Playing : The Unified Field - IAMX
: Listed
: Migs Lorenzana

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Movie Review: Jurassic World Roars As 4th Installment Of The Jurassic Franchise

Jurassic World is the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park series. During its opening weekend, the film instantly broke the record of The Avengers, and Fast and Furious 7 as the highest-grossing film, and in international markets as well. It is also the first film that grossed $500 million worldwide. It scaled its claws on Philippine cinema last June 10, 2015, and June 12 on Northern America.

The film was originally planned to release in 2005, but went over a decade as revision of script and intricate development took the production.

 The first Jurassic Park film was shown in 1993 with an "Extinction" subtitle. The second with a subordinate title as "The Lost World" filmed in 1997, and in 2001, the third installment was directed by Joe Johnston, as Jurassic Park 3. Steven Spielberg primarily directed the first two parts, and produced the third one. And now, Jurassic Park roars back with a "Jurassic World" print. It took 14 years before the fourth installment happened, due to the sensitive development that went reversible.

Different Hollywood reports proclaimed in 2013 that the Jurassic Park will have its fourth part in 2015 under new director, Colin Trevorrow, with few details and information as changes still occurred that time. Speculations from netizens emerged that Jurassic Park will feature monsters living in the water and will dominate as "Waterwold", which was somehow true because of the appearance of Mosasaurus. But in 2014, another official report was released that Jurassic Park was in great effect and probably in right production to conquer the Isla Nublar again. To end the hunches and predictions of the fans, they finally revealed how and what it's gonna be like. Sam Neill even announced that he's not coming back to join the the fourth part, neither Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern.

Jurassic World features a fully functional dinosaur theme park located on Isla Nublar (where Jurassic Park 1 happened; Jurassic Park 2 and 3 was shot on Isla Sorna, site B). After twenty two years, InGen is back on operation with their skilled geneticist, Dr. Wu, who has a reprise role from the franchise, and with the new cast Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) as the Park's Operation Manager. Due to the multitudinous number of people coming to visit the park, they went to creating a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur called Indominus Rex, to keep their attraction on load, but haven't introduced to the public yet due to several testing and inspection regarding its hunting behavior. They were supposed to exhibit two Indominus, but the older I-rex ate her sibling before it hatched. The Indominus Rex was made from the DNA of several dinosaurs, mostly predatory, with another two DNA's from cuttlefish and unidentified tree frog. Through camouflaging and intelligence to deceive the securities, it escaped its paddock, killed two InGen securities, and in hunt towards the jungle and theme park, causing chaos, death and destruction of the whole park. 

To give highlights, one of the most amusing part in this fourth installment was the taming of Velociraptors, which at first, I thought would be vacuous because raptors are the most intelligent dinosaur, and ain't like dogs that can be trained. We're talking about proper domestication here. They have been used for military purpose such as hunting back the ferocious Indominus Rex. Through following the scent of the I-rex in the jungle, the raptors led Owen (Chris Patt) and the other soldiers where it hides. However, the Indominus Rex can secretly communicate with the raptors, turning them against Owen and the soldiers and killed most of them.

Furthermore, the extreme part was the battle of the Jurassic titans, where the adept and battle-scarred Tyrannosaurus Rex fights against the genetically modified Indominus Rex with the help of  Blue, the only raptor who survived the onslaught. Claire freed the T-rex to lure and have a fang-to-fang fight with I-rex after she got the idea from Gray (Ty Simpkins) when he said "we need more teeth". Claire ordered to open the enclosure of the T-rex, ran with a flare towards the I-rex. The two dinosaurs met and grabbed each other with a neck bite. Every bite and scratch from the two giants leave deep wounds on them. When the T-rex stumbled due to the wounds it got from I-rex, Blue came for a rescue, cawing and jumped over the back of I-rex, causing distraction. Just when the moment I thought the T-rex would lose its battle against the same giant as what had happened back in Jurassic Park 3, it stood up and devoured the neck of the Indominus. The fight between the I-rex, T-rex and raptor ended up when they forced the Indominus rex towards the lagoon, and the Mosasaur suddenly appeared. Dragged the I-rex from the neck down to the water and drowned it. The T-rex ,which we all know, as one of the worst enemies of raptors, left the park without provoking each other.

Supreme ending!

Jurassic Park has been my favorite since I was a kid. I'm actually an avid fan and I've memorized the lines of each character. When I heard about the Jurassic World, I was one of those fans who's ecstatically happy. The new film was jaw-dropping and marvelous! It's worth the wait. I was bit worried that the CGI of the 4th one might look repulsive or hideous because of the first trailer that had been shown, but gladly it wasn't the exact thought, I guess they made few changes as the first trailer though was tentative. Story flow was great and justifying. Everything was astounding and remarkable, most especially the newly introduced dinosaurs. The T-rex and raptors never missed any single appearance from the franchise, which is a big no no if they have obliterated them on the scene. Regarding the ending, it would be greater to see the Mosasaur eating the Indominus Rex under the water pieces into pieces after wagging it. The very last part was thrilling and stimulating for a fan like me to see the T-rex roars facing the disfigured and damaged park. It was tearful to see that kind of ending so exact as what they've had from the previous, whether it's a Pterodactyl's caw or a T-rex's roar . It brought back my childhood memories with the film.

I made this illustration due to my addiction to dinosaurs, most especially to T-rex,

Hoping for a 5th part after 4 years :) 

Now Playing: Dark and Stormy - Hot Chip
: Dino day
: Migs Lorenzana

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Resurgence Of Mandals

I've seen the comeback of this comfy and wearable footwear. I remember that it was marked as "Tabata" way way back, and now reawakened as Birkenstock with two or three stylish buckle straps.

Brown and black are the most ideal colors of mandals. They're easy to pair with any colors of clothes, plus it is upmarket. 

Any style will do and it won't harm the fashion since it's classic and very suitable. Perfect for summer or even your casual daytime look. It can be paired with shorts or rolled up rigid trousers. It makes your plain outfit quirky and classy tho.

Now Playing: This love - Ellie Goulding
: Wandered out
: Migs Lorenzana

Friday, April 10, 2015

Yuuzora No Kamihikouki - Mori Naoya

I'm a huge fan of anime but not a fan of Japanese songs.
 Hajime No Ippo's ending theme has gotten me. It's my favorite amongst others 'cause I've found it nostalgic and sad tho.

Yasashii iro shita sora wo utsushite kousou biru ga yake ni kirei da
Yuukikau hitotachi sorezore no mune no naka de keshiki wa kawatte mieru

Kanashii iro shita dare ka no tameni ima no jibun ni nani ga dekiru no ka?
Tobenai tori tachi sonna ni sora ga takai to wa omowanai omoitakunai

Chotto shita koto de fuan ni narukara
Daijoubu datte kaita "note" no "page" wo yabutte tsukutta...

Kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo ashita ni douka maniauyou ni
Zutto zutto zutto zutto yuuhi wo oikakete iruyo...

Kamihikouki ga ochinai youni boku wa sora ni negai wo kakeru
Zutto zutto zutto zutto yume ga mitai kara

Yasashii iro shita jikan no nakade jibun ga totemo chiisaku mieta
Owatte shimau kyou wo omotte nani ka dekiru koto wo sagasu keredo

Nandaka chotto kangae sugitana
Daijoubu datte omoereba sore ga dai ippou ni naru

Kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo ashita ni douka maniauyou ni
Zutto zutto zutto zutto yuuhi wo oikakete iruyo...

Kamihikouki ga ochinai youni boku wa sora ni negai wo kakeru
Zutto zutto zutto zutto yume ga mitai kara

Kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo nando mo kaze ni butsukari nagara
Zutto zutto zutto zutto tooku made dokomade mo takaku

Kamihikouki ga tonde yuku yo yume ga yume de owaranai youni
Zutto zutto zutto zutto shinji tsuzuketeiru

Dakara zutto zutto zutto zutto tonde yukeru yo...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Summer Denim

It's very rare to see denim on summer because it's a sturdy cotton which is seemingly scorching. Since the denim gets its popularity throughout the period, we got bored of its own wear, so altering the existing denim would be just. I've found this soft classic denim shirt cool during summer because of its own oceanic featured color with a yellow shorts as its match. It may be denim but its cotton isn't hefty which is balmy and soothing.

Now Playing: Happy Little Pill - Troye Sivan
: Summer feels
: Migs Lorenzana

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Semana Santa 2015

A right scoop of flavored ice cream while sitting at the balcony with an emerging air under the heat of sun is a good way to enjoy your staycation during Holy Week. I can feel the holiness of each day because of the "Pabasa" that is being held everyday by different families, left and right from our vicinity, which at some point could make me feel drowsy because of its rhythm and duration.

If you're looking for a perfect place to contemplate theologically, Baliuag, Bulacan is one of the perfect places to visit because of their popular culture of parading life-sized images of saints and Christ. If you're that one Catholic who seriously follows the restriction of enjoying a vacation in the beach both local and abroad, I know you would love to regard the tradition that Baliuag has for every Catholic people. Annually, they cavalcade tableaux from church and families as registered depicting the life and death of Christ, mostly found from the gospel of the four evangelists; Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John. Last day, they have paraded 109 huge and exquisite carozas which started at 6 pm. It was amazing to see that there were 100 plus life-sized images that had participated this year's Holy Wednesday procession.

Baliuag, Bulacan holds twice processions during Holy Week. The first part is every Wednesday which is believed the day when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus with a kiss. And the grand procession on Friday with the Santo Entierro or the "Dead Christ". If they have had 109 carozas yesterday without the Santo Entierro, they will have 111 tomorrow with the said highlight being included. I'd suggest to bring cameras for perfect picture because these images are mesmerizing!

Again, we don't worship the images, we just use these tableaux to represent Christ for a clearer picture of His life here on Earth. With and through this, we won't get misled of what they might be look like.

Thank you guys for continuing our devotion to light in this well-known tradition of our town, most especially to my BFF and partner in crime, Mark Lester who surprised me yesterday with his presence. I just saw him outside our gate with a J.Co doughnuts. I wasn't really expecting that you'd come because I know your circumstance, and your family outing. But still, you've come along and joined us. You're the best! It was an indeed fun and I appreciated your surprise.

Now Playing: Need to be next to you - Leigh Nash
: Maundy Thursday
: Migs Lorenzana

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