Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New You

School has started its whirlpool-like synopsis today and I really felt indolent earlier since I got used of the long vacation which I really took advantage of pigging out back and forth, but hell I needed to pack my things and sit for a longer period of time listening to distinct questions and discussions.

It has been the common layout when you get in school to share your new year's resolution which is sort of fibber that goes against yourself just to have one even when you really don't have.

Oh well, I do have my own resolutions and hopefully, I could take stand to these this 2015.

On School

  •  I'm gonna give less opinion regarding our school activities. This is somewhat negative to deprive myself but I'm living with the "less talk, less misjudgment" catchphrase. They see your one mistake rather than seeing your innumerable good deeds and help.
  • No more babbling in class.
  • I will leave the "Manyana habit" (mamaya na) behind.
  • My classmates call me as an "activist" because I use to oppose countless plans from our instructors, a querulous to be specific, so being a good follower will do.
  • No more verbal bullying. Peace! I'm so sorry. I was under pressure that time.
  • Avoid being too much brood and take things with proper assessment.
  • I will save money and refuse to buy irrelevant things.
  • I'm gonna eat on time.
  • I'm gonna be patient on waiting for the next class even though there's a 3 to 4-hour interval. Haha!
  • Worry less and smile all the time even things get worst.

I'm a last-minute student, meaning, I work hard during last terms. It's a negative trait but I think I won't change it. My brain cells work rapidly during rush hour.

On Life

  • Less carbohydrates. Tummy's getting bigger. Ugh!
  • Will do exercises without grievance.
  • I'm gonna be frugal, as in really!
  • Say no to indolence and make my mom proud! Hahaha
  • I'm somewhat gullible so I'll be at less.
  • I'll take things serious if it requires a lot of attention and focus.
  • I'm gonna be wiser when it comes to love. Say no to stupidity!
  • I will become less irascible or cranky.
  • Start diminishing bad words. I guess eradicating them is much better.
  • I'm gonna be optimistic no matter what happens.

I won't rely on the angular changes of months and won't probably blame the period of time for all the mishaps in my life because it's all my doing and exertion, so stop saying "January please be good to me", 'cause month has nothing to do with your productivity, it's all in you. 

I'm hoping to see very kind doing these things without brutalizing myself too much. Haha! Let's seize this year!

Now Playing: Good Feeling - Violent Femmes
: School and work
: Migs Lorenzana

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