Monday, January 19, 2015

Thank You Santo Padre, Papa Francesco!

From the Filipinos who really admire you, we love you Pope Francis! 
Thank you for the heartfelt and emotional visit in the Philippines. It was indeed remarkable and historical. May your teachings and love for us unite each and everyone of us, that we always see the good in our neighbors and fellowmen. Truly blessed and nurtured. God has made you His instrument. We're so inspired with the humility and compassion you've shown to the poor and in need. I can't explain the feeling when I saw you  few meters away from our view, your radiance enlightened us and covered us with love and hope. I almost cry 'cause of too much happiness and there's this unexplained feeling after 'cause seeing you is incomparable and uplifting. I can literally feel you and the ease you give and I feel blessed even afar, until now. All the hardships and jostling in the crowd are worth the while.

Being in the modern and new generation of personage, I must say that we are really lucky to experience this. The crowd who followed and attended all the activities of Pope really amazed me, it's sensational that's why it makes me proud to be a Filipino. Everyone showed unity, from poor to rich, adults to young, they didn't mind the sudden changes of weather just to see the Highness. Have a safe flight going back to Rome. Til we meet again. God bless you Papa Francesco! We'll always pray for you. Mahal kayo ng mga Pilipino!

To all the Filipinos, we've become saints for 5 days so I'm hoping that it won't change now that Pope Francis isn't around. He may not be around but his principles and powerful words will remain in our nation. He really believes that the vitality of the Church relies in every Filipino so let's make it happen. 

Viva Il Papa, Papa Francesco!
You'll always have a special place in our hearts and we know that we have in yours too. 

Thank you Lester for coming along. It was a rough ride and tiring marathon but we made it! We've seen the holiness of Santo Papa! It's fulfilling and unparalleled. :)

Now Playing: We are all God's children
: I love Pope Francis!
: Migs Lorenzana

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