Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What Makes You A "Torpe"?

This is quite hard to talk about because people are made and designed to be different from each other and so as the perception and even the mindset. We can't actually tell what are the dislikes and likes of a person, where he excels most and where is he afraid of. 

"You're not a real man if you cannot approach a woman." My friends used to tell that and I don't know if I'd agree or disagree 'cause obviously, manhood isn't all about how valiant you are, sometimes it's all about careful considerations and decisions. Well, not all people hold a courage to take a move. During such situations, your idea generates and you analyze all that comes from box. In fact, there are things that a person should consider first before he jump into such thoughtful action. Inhibiting oneself from doing the things that need a further pursuance is a part of the regulatory emotional strategy of a person. They are already aware of the consequences that awaits them, and trying to save himself from disappointment and pain is just a phase.

We are all familiar with the word "torpe". Torpe refers to a person who is afraid to admit his feelings to someone he really admire or love. They are actually scripted by their own ideological sense and culture at large and I'd like to elaborate and specify the possible reasons that trigger them to refrain from courting in accordance of my own observations.

1. Fear of Rejection.

     Everyone is afraid of rejection. When you're rejected, you feel like you're insensible, derp and the ugliest person to ever set foot on earth. But you can never tell unless you try. There is nothing scarier than to waste your once in a lifetime opportunity.

2. Her Friends' Seduction.

        Sometimes it's really annoying how her friends manipulate the mind and decision of your ideal girl. No matter how much we want to prove ourselves, once her friends hate you, they can always find ways to discredit you by giving false advice and information.

3. Financial Status

        Struggling for financial support is quite difficult especially for a guy. It's always a must that guys spend more than girls could do. There are times that you couldn't help but think what to give during the courting progress and if ever, during monthsaries, anniversaries, and Valentine's when the time comes.

4. The Girl Is Rich.

         Being in a "class C" society when the girl is belong to the "class A" is really scary for a guy. Let's all accept that out of 10 women, only 8% won't care whether the guy is a pauper or sumptuous, unluckily, your ideal girl is into 2% who cares about the manner of living. Relationship doesn't happen because they love each other, sometimes it exists because of wealth.

5. She's Beautiful and Ms. Popular.

       Another factor is the popularity standing of the girl. If the guy thinks that the girl has got everything, he'll surely discourage himself because he knows his own standpoint. The physical attribute and the favorable society greatly affect the decision of a guy whether to court or not.

6. Your Competitor Is  Drawn From Aphrodite's womb.

       Idiomatically speaking, your competing with a handsome or drop-dead gorgeous guy. Of course, who wouldn't get envied and threatened when you know that there is someone who's more attractive, hunkier and well-groomed? Whose personality is more pleasing and likable for a girl? 

7. Time and Place.

        You're actually waiting for the perfect time to arrive for your moment to happen without knowing when, where and how. It's like your living with the epigram "tomorrow is another day". Tomorrow doesn't end.

8. Low Self-Esteem.

         He considers his physical appearance, tangible stuff, and any defaming and insulting points he has that discourage him. If the guy isn't confident about himself, he'll surely lose the chance to win the girl. There are times that the guy wins a girl even though he isn't attractive. It has been derived from his effort and self-confidence.

9. Her Standards/ Qualifications

        The guy is fairly alarmed with the girl's qualifications. If he knows that he's out of her personal choice, he would then drop his sword because the standards already told him he's out. But you can always break her list. It's always the effort that counts.

10. Parents' Instructions/ Mother's Golden Rule.

         This is worse than her friends' manipulation. This is almost the same with the girl being rich. 

11. Advance Thinker/ Future Reliant/ Pessimistic.

       A part of pessimism in a guy that can never be beaten. When he thinks that their relationship won't work in the near future, or someone's gonna fall out, then he's probably depriving himself to try his luck. An encapsulation from over-thinking is heading its way.

12. Crush Crashes.

        Sometimes, a guy isn't sure about his feelings. He's confused about the extremity of his affection towards the girl. If he's just infatuated or inlove. 

13. Ex's Power.

         He's being discouraged when he saw that the girl is still in love with her ex, that her ex still holds a power to get her back. He is more likely to feel dismay with the situation and vulnerable because the edge isn't at him. 

14. Responsibility/ Not yet ready.

          He considers his maturity when it comes to handling a serious and long-term relationship. He also considers his own capabilities to make it work and how hard the responsibility would be. This case occurs during teenage years, especially when the guy is studious and a family-pet.

15. Prioritizing Friendship rather than Relationship

          This happens when the guy is friends with the girl. What matters most is the friendship and that he doesn't want to put an end onto it. He believes that it's better to be friends 'cause it lasts for a longer period of time, in comparison with the commitment which can be the luck there off.

16. Past Hauls Off

          The guy is enclosed with his own past. If he had felt betrayed and unlucky from his past relationship, he'll get afraid to feel the same pain again, so the tendency is he'll inhibit himself to court again no matter how he loves the girl. It will be hard for him to see girls possessing different character. One thing he knows is all girls are same and he generalizes it.

But if you really love the person, you should take all the risks and hindrances that may get in your way. It's like a gamble that requires effort.

Now Playing: Wish I may - Breaking Benjamin
: Migs Lorenzana

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Conventional February 14

There is nothing much to say about yesterday's Feast of Saint Valentine (Valentine's day). It was actually conventional but intoxicating. Apparently, V day is not only for couples, but a day to celebrate with family and friends. And so we've been into boys' day out. Jheremy, Patrick, Lester and I considered ours a Valentine's Day but more likely a chilling time in Bonifacio Global City. I was actually shock to see that the place is getting popular to "Jejemons", particularly the High Street. Quite disappointing. The place is losing its sophistication, honestly speaking. 

Don't make fuss about the V day, and if you're single, don't feel dismay. Life goes on, symmetrically, people do come and go too, aforementioned, there's always a precised time for everything.

Now Playing: Burn - Ellie Goulding
: Hearts all over the world
: Migs Lorenzana

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ne-Yo - Lonely Again

There's no official music video but,
for the extreme users and assuming on counterpart, here's to never get sick of being... 

I became her lover, she became my lover. 
Had her heart broke, I was helping her recover. 
I became the man she knew she could rely on. 
Somebody to listen or shoulder to cry on. 
She was getting better, better she was getting. 
The more time spent, the more she would forget him. 
But then back around he seen that he started coming, and she's on the low taking phone calls from him. 

I thought that we were building something strong. 
He apologizes and now your gone.
And I won’t put up with this.

You wanna go. (Go.) 
Just hope you know. 
Baby you're gonna be lonely, lonely again. 
Oh lonely, lonely.
Go on go, go. Just hope you know. (Hey.) 
Baby you're gonna be lonely, lonely again.
Lonely, lonely again.
Don’t call me when you're lonely again. 
When you're lonely again, lonely again. 
Oh, sugar don’t call me when you're lonely again, when you're lonely again. 
Lonely again. (Oh.)

And I can’t believe it, (No.) I really can’t believe it.
Never in a million years I couldn't see it.
I pulled her from the flames so she don't expire, she turned around and jumped right back in the fire. 
What are you doing? How could you do it?
Back to the flames baby that's just stupid.
Had me feeling bad for you, so foolish. (Whatever.)
Now you deserve what you get. Whoa, oh.

Thought we were building something strong.
He apologizes and now your gone.
Said and I won’t put up with this.

You wanna go. (Go.) 
(Hey.) Just hope you know. 
Baby you're gonna be lonely, lonely again. 
Lonely, lonely. (Lonely, yeah.)
Go on go, go. Just hope you know. 
Oooh baby you're gonna be lonely, lonely again.
Lonely, lonely again.
Don’t call me when you're lonely again. 
When you're lonely again, lonely again. 
(Whoa who oh)
Oh, sugar don’t call me when you're lonely again, when you're lonely again. 
Lonely again. (Oh.)

Hey girl, picked you up when you're down, 
didn't do it so you could lie back on the ground.
I just don't understand, you must like punishment.
If you get hurt again just remember that you asked for it.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey eh ay, hey, hey.
Oh whoa. Whoa oh.

You wanna go. (Go.) 
Just hope you know. 
Oh baby you're gonna be lonely, lonely again. 
Oh, lonely again.
Go on go, go. Just hope you know. 
Baby you're gonna be lonely, lonely again.
Oh, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely yeah.
Don’t call me when you're lonely again. 
(Don't call me lonely again.)
When you're lonely again, lonely again. 
(When you're lonely...) Lonely again.
Oh, sugar don’t call me when you're lonely again, (Oh don't call me.)
when (Lonely again.) you're lonely again. 
Lonely again, again.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Dining Experience: Buffet 101 International Cuisine

We've conducted a dining experience related to our subject International Cuisine. And as for a quick analysis regarding the experience, Buffet 101 is probably one of the most ideal restaurants to document its own savory, located in San Miguel by the Bay, Seaside Blvd, SM Mall of Asia.

I thought of the chandeliers to be more enticing tho, than the foods we've seen. It confounded us. Lol!

First things first. Salad should always be an onset before any other loads. It's buffet and eat all you can so it's better to have control.

I just found myself indulging with these little sweets. Ugh! 

I didn't actually know what foods were on my plate. I just grasped them 'cause they were enticing tho. One thing is for sure, they're delectable due to variety of selection detailing a fusion of European and Asian cuisines.

Smoothies like Banana, Papaya and Watermelon are indeed refreshing. Blue lemonade is good for cleansing the palate. 

Finale: Leche Flan, Fruit Pudding, Mini Chocolate Cake, Sliced Choco Roll Cake, and Chocolate Mousse. It's not pretty obvious that I'm a choco loco. 

Sushi contemporary designs and ingredients. I've never been a fan of this Japanese items. I find it stench in taste.

Great time with some of the foodies and critics.....

They really have a wide array of food options that would confuse you what and which to try first. Everything from the presentation to the taste is plain exquisite. The staff were accommodating and attentive. They precisely know what they're doing. The atmosphere is perfect for de-stressing. Their place in Mall Of Asia is quite spacious which is a plus for someone like me who hates crowded places, especially when referring to restaurants. It has an elegant feel that would turn you on. The lighting is nice and appealing. This one nailed it! You can peacefully take a short "break" before you go back for another round.

Now Playing: Amazing - Matt Cardle
: Coffee is love
: Migs Lorenzana

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