Friday, July 24, 2015

Universal Brings The Fifth Sequel Of Jurassic Park In June 2018

What did I say regarding my last entry about Jurassic Park? There is a chance of 5th installment.

After the record-breaking ticket sales of Jurassic World with $1.52 billion, the Universal announced that they are on works for the sequel of Jurassic World, which will be called Jurassic World 2. It is said to hit the theaters on June 22, 2018. 

My thoughts about the immediate announcement of the Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment about the sequel go with the another aim to break their own record in theaters, or maybe break evenly, as it is the third highest grossing film of all time, and the highest grossing film Universal Pictures ever distributed. That's how business and market work. If the first launch thumped the target market, anticipate for the second because you can't miss to gross further.  But of course, we'll have to wait for 3 years. They are in pre-production now, cooking up the script and maybe a new hybrid dinosaur since there were stains from the experiment, but it doesn't show until June 22, 2018, and that is too tedious. What's favorable now is during the preceding time, it takes 4 years before they produce another installment of Jurassic Park, with the Jurassic World who lost the intervening time because after the JP 3 which was shown in 2001, it was only shown this 2015 that took 14 years, instead of its original release date in 2005. Now, the intervening period for each sequel has become three on count. So the feeling is mutual to all the Dinosaur fans. It's Eggziting!

Now Playing: Knock you down
 - Keri Hilson feat. Kanye West and Neyo
: Migs Lorenzana

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

6 Things I've Digested From Annalise Keating

A resilient woman once said, "We are all capable of terrible things." and I thought of it as somewhat true. People are skillful, whether to commit mistakes or make things right. This poetic woman who's also frisky and deceitful, infiltrated a lot of principles in my brain that I never once fathomed. Watching her twisting every single case she's up with was surreal and mind-blowing, not because she's apt for any lawsuit, but because she's way encyclopedic to gain bullets and rebuttals all the time. Annalise Keating has so much to indoctrinate, and the matter would just diverge us from acquiring her edifies or make us hate her for being a madwoman though.

I've learned 6 things from Annalise, and I'm not subsisting these. These things can be sarcastically realized and worth considering anyhow.

1. What you don't understand is not my concern.
                Sometimes, we hardly dig for a further explanation just to make them understand the things we interpret. Even if it won't appear reasonable to them, we'll try to arrange the details, and Annalise is not up with paying even a single concern on someone's ignorance. What she has said once should be understood unprejudiced. Yea, why would waste time explaining when they are not absorbing anything?

2. Eminent people are also bitch.
                It's not that I grew up seeing busy people spend their day working the pile of papers they have to bring off, or dedicating themselves to their profession and forget the necessities that a person should obtain, that made me realized this phase in a proficient person's life. So I was wrong thinking that busy people couldn't be as bitch as that on street? You don't get a boyfriend when you have a psychologist husband, and the fact that you have two lawsuits to win in a day with two or more deliberations for the line up cases. Super bitch charged!

3. Trust your instinct.
                If you think that your partner had sex with another person, then maybe he/she really did it. Check their phones if highly suspicious, you might find a photo of penis or pussy. But hey! Sometimes it's okay to listen to their explanations. Let them confess, and if they're barely trying to save their ass by lying consistently, chain them under a hanging bulb and act as a psychologist promptly.

4. Pride is more important than your partner?
                 So the students of Annalise killed Sam and what's disturbing was she condoned the crime and sued none because her pride was trampled after knowing the infidelity that left a seed, especially that she's venerable and might appear hideous if exposed. Another thing is, framing them up just to save our little ass from the consequences. Well, I will always choose my partner especially if worth keeping for. There's always turn of events in our lives that will challenge the extremity of our pride, but don't let it make us heinous.

5. Trust no one even your best auxiliary. Just yourself.
                  Your assistant might have been on bed with your husband before you park your car in the garage, or kissed him torridly right before your awareness. Everyone can stab you whether in front or behind, you just have to withstand the adverse conditions and be like Annalise. Fire them! (and hired them back when you're really in need and really damaged, haha!) You don't know who anyone really is, you just know them by their own basic identity.

6. Being too clever and astute means a modern psychopath.
                   Well, it's like you know everything and you have the power beyond these matters. It makes you delusional, obsess and overrated. That's what makes a modern psychopath exists, and that makes Annalise a psychopath. 

"No matter how smart you are, you need everyone to think you are." 
- Annalise Keating

Now Playing: Slowed Down - Visuals

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