Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Survival 101 During Heavy Floods

Photo Courtesy of (Photo taken last 2012 during Habagat)

I woke up at 4:26 A.M, and I was really bothered because I'm hearing loud bangs and waling of winds were overheard. Good thing I don't have class today since there was a proper dissemination of information and advisory yesterday about class cancellations, so I'm fully aware. 

Last August 7, 2012, Filipinos experienced the deja vu of Typhoon Ondoy (last 2009), and Typhoon Pedring (last 2010), in the eye ball and tail of Habagat. But what made it disturbing and alarming is the fact that this heavy rain downpour is just caused by the Southwest Monsoon. It wasn't a typhoon yet, but it gave us heavy floods and nightmare. Lives have been perished, infrastructure were destroyed including agriculture and of course, houses were soaked in murky water. Then last August 2013, we had Typhoon Maring that brought the same ravages. Its development from tropical depression to tropical storm brought fatalities over the Filipinos, and Typhoon Yolanda in November, 2014.

Today, this (Glenda) could be actually the same rage of nature we've had experienced last 2012 and 2013, too particular in Ondoy, Habagat, Maring, and Yolanda.

 Every year we experienced the rage of certain typhoons, and by now, we at least know what to do to handle the ravages these disasters can bring to whether human or infrastructure and agricultural.

I've already posted this entry on my first blog site which I'm not really working with anymore. This is a big help once you see rampant floods.

Photo Courtesy of (Taken last 2012 during Habagat; NLEX became sea of floods)

How to survive heavy floods?

         This is very important, avoid panicking. People become hysterical whenever this thing happens and they become too much negative instead of focusing on saving their own lives in general, since the situation is already negative. Panic harms an individual, especially if you don't really understand how to cope up with the situation. Stay calm and relax as much as possible, check all the possible paths that you could use to evacuate if you're cornered by the rapid flood leveling.
          If you're living in a 2 storey-house, you can use the second floor for temporary evacuation, and if the floods reached the second floor, try to go on your rooftops and wait for the rescue team to get you out of the soaking place.

          Here's the usual problem, you know that you are having a dilemma about the floods coming inside your house, so don't you ever go into the basement, use your common sense, you're after your life, not your death.

          Before anything else, this should be done at the first place. De-energizing the whole house by turning off the switch will save you and your family from the possible electrocution. This will also prevent the area from having house fire, though, power supply should be kept for proper news and information dissemination, once you're contained with heavy floods, it should be cut down.

          While your house is slowly soaking in floods, and you're trapped or stranded on the roof, make sure that you have already prepared the supplies that are essentials to your evacuation. Food should not be missed especially clean water to drink, bottled is advice. In case that you're really in a disaster, make sure to bring instant foods, ready to eat and that are easy to open, if you have brought canned goods, don't forget to have can opener.
           Be sensitive enough on bringing foods. It's not advisable to bring cooked foods with sauces or so. Remember that. It is near into spoilage.
           Bringing useful tools is a big help. Such as flashlights, knives, flares, matches and sleeping bag will help you survive for few days. Just make sure that you'll put it in a resealable or waterproof bags.

            First aid kit is also one of the required stuff to survive. In case that you or one of your family member got injured, you have something with you that could aid the injury. In such situation like this, you have to focus on saving lives, I'm not saying that you have to jump into floods and save your drowning neighbor. Be a medic of your own family.

            This is also important to prioritize. Some people who are in middle of a disaster taps on saving their personal stuffs and rolled to forget checking how important it is to have a contact with the authority or rescue team or private organizations. In case that the area is in the State of Calamity or almost into isolation, contact or call for help to the nearest org around your area.
             If your contact numbers are written on a paper, put it inside a plastic or resealable bag so that it won't fade or be erased by the raindrops. Nowadays, rescuing isn't hard, now that twitter paves the way, many concerned Filipinos call for help to save others. But still, be responsible at all times.

             Most people are very ideal and well-prepared when the calamity is about to scar them. If you have rubber boat in house, you can use that for force evacuation and what made it more convenient is that you can save your neighbors too. Don't forget the helmets, ropes, life jackets and paddle to help you out.
              Don't use mattress if the flood is severe or wavy, you can use it if the flood is just waist-deep and is calm.

              When you are stranded and you're terribly trapped, work with your mind and start thinking on how you can save your life without burying your two legs. You have to look for higher places immediately if the flood is getting serious and higher. Stay calm while thinking.

               This is the most important weapon that we could use. The only weapon that even floods cannot drown nor erase. Praying to God will save you, strengthen your faith to Him and you'll find the safest place through His glory and mercy. He's the only one who could save your life aside from the rescuer.

Photo Courtesy of ABS-CBN News (Current situation in Roxas Blvd.)

For our fellow Filipinos that are in need of help, this is the list of accurate Emergency Hotlines:

You can also use our selective and special hash tags on twitter, such as:

#RescuePH for those who are in need of rescue

#ReliefPH for special relief operations and other concerns such as donations for victims

#SAFENOW if you've been rescued already

#FloodPH for flood alerts, whether personal encounter or special reports

It's really amazing to see that Filipinos are in big hands for the safety and security of the others. I've been seeing these twitter users all the way out. Yearly, they spare time helping each and every one. They didn't stop spreading all the forms of help they could actually offer over the social media. Their thoughts and big or  little helps have been sent due to their own concern. Donations and the own initiative to be volunteers were appreciated. 

It's our 4th year of being a single hero, media-man and even a rescuer of our own considerations.

Now Playing : It Will Rain - Bruno Mars
                    : STAY SAFE EVERYONE!
                    : Take 101

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