Thursday, April 2, 2015

Semana Santa 2015

A right scoop of flavored ice cream while sitting at the balcony with an emerging air under the heat of sun is a good way to enjoy your staycation during Holy Week. I can feel the holiness of each day because of the "Pabasa" that is being held everyday by different families, left and right from our vicinity, which at some point could make me feel drowsy because of its rhythm and duration.

If you're looking for a perfect place to contemplate theologically, Baliuag, Bulacan is one of the perfect places to visit because of their popular culture of parading life-sized images of saints and Christ. If you're that one Catholic who seriously follows the restriction of enjoying a vacation in the beach both local and abroad, I know you would love to regard the tradition that Baliuag has for every Catholic people. Annually, they cavalcade tableaux from church and families as registered depicting the life and death of Christ, mostly found from the gospel of the four evangelists; Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John. Last day, they have paraded 109 huge and exquisite carozas which started at 6 pm. It was amazing to see that there were 100 plus life-sized images that had participated this year's Holy Wednesday procession.

Baliuag, Bulacan holds twice processions during Holy Week. The first part is every Wednesday which is believed the day when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus with a kiss. And the grand procession on Friday with the Santo Entierro or the "Dead Christ". If they have had 109 carozas yesterday without the Santo Entierro, they will have 111 tomorrow with the said highlight being included. I'd suggest to bring cameras for perfect picture because these images are mesmerizing!

Again, we don't worship the images, we just use these tableaux to represent Christ for a clearer picture of His life here on Earth. With and through this, we won't get misled of what they might be look like.

Thank you guys for continuing our devotion to light in this well-known tradition of our town, most especially to my BFF and partner in crime, Mark Lester who surprised me yesterday with his presence. I just saw him outside our gate with a J.Co doughnuts. I wasn't really expecting that you'd come because I know your circumstance, and your family outing. But still, you've come along and joined us. You're the best! It was an indeed fun and I appreciated your surprise.

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