Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Mark Lester De Guzman!

I'm creating this post as early as before 12 midnight gets in. It's better to be advance than to be late tho. Haha! 

To one of the most superb persons I've ever known and met...

Happy Happy Birthday Mark Lester!

You're turning 20 and welcome to the world of 20's! Haha! You can never bully me about being 23 because you're actually getting out of the teenage bracket now. Yesterday will be your heyday as we're moving forward. I'm happy that you grew up as gentle as what a man should be. Knowing that there's a person like you standing beside and right behind me makes me feel fearless and strong. I'll do the same thing not because it is needed, but because I want and I'd love to. Thank you for every single minute of your patience and understanding. I will look after you without getting tired of doing so. Distance won't get us. Don't be scared of growing old because you'll never grow alone as long as we're here, as long as I'm here. Know that no matter the choices you'll make, I will support you. Happiest birthday and cheers to being 20! 

And as a little surprise for you as you are about to take your road to 20, I made this video with  greetings for you. It may be simple and plain but allow its thoughtfulness widen your smile. God bless! Have a blast! :)

Now Playing: New Thang - Redfoo
: Happy Birthday!
: Migs Lorenzana

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