Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Graphite Skates on Paper

I've been very busy these past few months to update the blog and I started overhauling this December, but to fill up the extensive gap, I've decided to post an entry about my illustrations.

 I usually draw whatever I like, sometimes I illustrate unorthodox and atypical characters from their original figure, sort of curiosity. When you want to imagine your favorite characters in different way you have  to compromise with your curiosity and start creating your own version. Chip some apparel if she or he's wholesome, cover up those liberated characters and the like. That's how I visualize things. I just don't imagine them and encapsulate them inside, I create and reinvent them as well and it's a great feeling to recreate.

Just to end this year with optimism and productivity, I'm gonna share some recreated objects

This is my favorite drawing 'cause putting the strawhat members in one portrait with different facial expressions (which is norm to their disposition) is one crucial part. But when you made it right according to your visualization, the art is sufficient to enjoy.

It's not like seeing Boa Hancock of One Piece in a kimono as conventional, so keeping her wholesome just for one day is pretty much playful, far from her original character as the snake princess of Amazon Lily with a very seductive appearance.

Black Leg Sanji is now a beefcake chef with benign and gentle facial feature. Girls would run after him just to date him out in reverse to the original scene.

Envisaged guy. I guess this is a product of how I want to have his facial features.

Reinvented Nelo and Patrasche of "Dog of Flanders"

Truth be told, but fallen angels are sexy

It's only Manga-riffic!

Oh well, I haven't practiced my "talent" for almost 8 months and I thought of losing a good skill at 8th degree. You know what they say, practice makes perfect, and for the betterment of your work, practicing everyday is just and genuine for the rigidity of your talent.

Now Playing: Dear Friends - Triplane
: Hobby
: Migs Lorenzana

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

On Society: Cheatville

I'm giving this entry a shot as we bid goodbye to year 2014. Let's all leave the drama that we have, most especially all the ignorance and stupidity in us together with the passing year. If you're vacuous in love or in your relationship, better start your 2015 with awareness and have an eye to the society of cheatville. Be perceptive about infidelity.

Why do people cheat?

  • Passion has faded
  • Partners feel lonely
  • People find someone who treats them better more than their current partner
  • Discontentment
  • Temptations are at risk and they can't resist it
  • They just want to end the relationship
  • Social influence (oftentimes shown by parents)
  • People cheat because they pay attention to what is missing rather than what they have

Infidelity has an adverse effects such as depression, divorce for married couple and worst, suicide and homicide

Since infidelity is a very sensitive discussion, it connotes certain related explanations. Individualism may come. Referring to genders, men are likely to commit infidelity at large than women, because men have higher testosterone which is responsible for the strong desire to have sexual intercourse which is the main course of cheating. 

Personality can be an answer too. People who are less attentive with less resistance can be a cheater too because it's their own cultured disposition. 

Lastly, having a lot of dissimilar context from the partner is more expose to infidelity, especially when the other one is competitive in terms of attainment, educational background and other factors, in short, infidelity roots from intimidation and insecurity.

Why is it hard for a human to become faithful and loyal?

Personally, I think humans are really vulnerable when it comes to cognitive process to take good care and save their relationship when on rocks. It's not really hard when your psyche is firm in terms of committing in a relationship.

In some situational cases, people who are spending time with attractive people and exposed in wider metropolitan which liberalism is a mainstream, makes the scene tempting for them to engage in deception.

If the person lied, would it make him a cheater?

 Lies pertain to cheating and cheating is betrayal. When the person is betrayed by his partner through lies, he becomes a victim of infidelity as for some people who have considered lying as a form of cheating. 

Seemingly true, cheating and lying are close to the same thing, but if you would analyze their own extremities, they have difference. 

To make myself precise and definite, I'd like to quote this: 
"You can lie without cheating, but you can't certainly cheat without lying"

(I once lied but I didn't cheat. How was that? There were certain things that I had to deny and keep just to avoid verbal fights. Cheating includes having an affair, having sex with anybody, dating other persons when you're committed, and I've committed none any of those relationship crimes. I know you'll defend the epigram about being honest even if it'd hurt them, but for some it's better to know nothing about the truth 'cause what he doesn't know won't hurt him and so as I intended, nakakagago pero totoo. I lied sa pinakamaliit na rason pero nafeel niya na nabetrayed siya. Once a lie will always be a lie, whether small or big, reasonable or of little depth, sabi niya. 

Kapag ba nagsinungaling ka, kaya mo ng mangaliwa? Hindi naman lahat ng kasinungalingan patungkol sa pambabae o panlalake. Nabasag mo yung paborito niyang cup pero magsisinungaling ka kasi natatakot kang magalit siya. Infidelity ba yun? 

Lies actually damage the relationship because trust is the main foundation of the growing relationship, but cheating is the plague that injects deep emotional pain.

How to heal from cheating?

  •  Since you’re both working on change, be patient. You need time to heal from the betrayal and your partner needs time to heal from the guilt. There's always a time for everything.
  • Be upfront and honest with about what hurts you, what scares you and what makes you angry. Try not to rehash old stuff repeatedly. 
  • You have to let the pain in and when it hurts you, let the pain go away and from there, you'd know how to deal with it and start anew.

How to avoid cheating/being cheated?

  • Appreciate your partner. Love them unconditional with the best you could give.
  •  Talk about both perceptions and thoughts about infidelity because everyone defines certain things with different interpretations.
  • Trust your hunches.  They're usually based on facts filed away just below conscious level according to research.

Piece of advice
  • If you've been cheated, live your life well and live happy. There is nothing more vengeful but to look good and be joyful. 
  • If you're going to cheat, think twice, karma will find its own way to hurt you back.
  • If your partner is accusing you of cheating, he or she's actually the one who is deceitful.
  • Tell truthful things even if it makes them angry
  • If they are acting extra nice for no reason, they are probably cheating on you
  • Cheaters are weak-minded, and insecure.

Don't enclose yourself on "once a cheater, always a cheater” because if the person is involved in a well-matched partnership, it diminishes or eliminates their desire to cheat, making them dedicated and stick-to-one, so that epigram does not have to girdle on you.

As the year strips, I'm hoping for better persons in their relationship, better in terms of being a keeper and not a destroyer, wiser and not dope.

Have a fruitful year everyone!

Now Playing: Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran
: 2 days left before 2015
: Migs Lorenzana

Monday, December 29, 2014

On Fixation: American Horror Story

I have fad towards this erotic and mystery TV miniseries; American Horror Story. The television series of FX have come a long way with different retroactive subtitles, from its very first season Murder House up to the 4th season, Freak Show. I've always been a fan of horror films and series, and this one simply got my butter whipped on inquisitive, plus the twist it gives during the last term of each season with analytical point.

The suspense series has its mainstay actors and special guest stars with different depictions as the season changes and some just recurs. I'd bet on the casts selection too that made the series engrossing, catchy and breathtaking, most especially the characters of each season which they have portrayed, I mean seeing them shifting personalities as the season strips is one hell fascinating. From shithorse to favored, whore to virgin, obsolete to vogue and the rest cases.

Sorry not sorry but I'm gonna be biased for putting most of my fingers and words in Coven since it's my most favorite among each season of AHS.

American Horror Story: Murder House

The Harmons face many conflicts going on in their new home; the primary one stemming from Ben Harmon's adultery, and the subsequent fallout with his wife Vivien and daughter Violet. Other conflicts include the intrusive behavior of the neighbors, Constance and Adelaide, as well as intrusions from one of Dr. Harmon's patients, Tate. The house seems to have a vivid history, ranging from brutal murders to demonic manifestations, and it seems to have its own agenda.

American Horror Story: Asylum

In a New England sanitarium, presided by ministers of faith and science, the innocent and the mad run from greater dangers and their own pasts. Bookended by modern day explorations of the ruins, a darker mystery lies in wait for victims. The mystery masks each characters including the objective of every individual; to cover one's identity of being a nazi. To sustain the psychopathic needs inherited from his father. To solve the abduction of loved ones by the supernatural entities. To cover a heinous crime inside the asylum by means of reporting. And to forget one's dark past by being a God's servant. Everything is a twist. 

American Horror Story: Coven

 Coven tells the secret history of witches and witchcraft in America. Over 300 years have passed since the turbulent days of the Salem witch trials and those who managed to escape are now facing extinction. Mysterious attacks have been escalating against their kind and young girls are being sent away to a special school in New Orleans to learn how to protect themselves. The battle among witches had begun in finding the next Supreme of the coven.

One of the baits of this season is Sarah Paulson herself captivating the viewers aside from the justification of metaphysics here. Ugh! I don't know if everyone is on me if I claim that Cordelia is lovelier and more seductive than the Hollywood beyotch, Madison. Hell but I love cougars with too much to offer. If Jessica Lange is only in 40's. Haha

If you'd seen Cordelia Goode goofing 'cause she took her eyes off to regain the unseen vision, then you won't probably do the same thing because you can't afford to miss her as the next Supreme of Coven.  

American Horror Story: Freak Show

Freak Show begins its tale in the quiet, sleepy hamlet of Jupiter, Florida. A troupe of curiosities has just arrived to town, coinciding with the strange emergence of a dark entity that savagely threatens the lives of townsfolk and freaks alike. This is the story of the performers and their desperate journey of survival amidst the dying world of the American carny experience.

I don't know if seeing Sarah with two heads in one body, as Bette and Dot, is cool. It's not like hitting two birds with one stone, poetically.

I'm actually waiting for the 4th one to take their bow for the curtain of the carny to close. I'm not saying that it is the poorest season of AHS, but their distorted body structure and the freaking character-idea itself don't give radiance to me. The psychopathic guy who's been rejected to join the troupe of curiosities that exacerbated his exceptional personality, I'm referring to Dandy (Finn Witrock), is rile. You don't bathe in one's blood to gain power which is really metaphorical. It bothers me. HE BOTHERS ME!

 Oh well, the 5th season should be unveiled soon, as usual, in October 2015.

Now Playing: Criminal - Fiona Apple
: AHS is <3
: Migs Lorenzana

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sweetness is Toxic

I'm posting this entry as every person is fragile when sweetness comes in the way. This is somewhat a good discussion since I thought everyone could relate and through personal experience you'd find yourself feeling the same way as if like we're talking virtually, so I advice that we should learn how to control our feelings and don't let ourselves get tangled when someone led us to the intimacy of sweetness because it's either they'll take a stand on that sweetness and bring us to the next level, or the luck there off which I'm referring to being left behind sooner or later. 

Unfortunately, you fell in love already and you fell alone because you have misinterpreted the treatment that person gives, sadly, she's/he's sweet to everyone and not exclusively.

We are delighted by the happiness of another, and metaphysically, can be dismayed from another too. Too much sweetness is toxic, it gets your feelings painted with right hues you thought and at the same time, it breaks you when you misinterpreted the real meaning.


- Don't get too attached!

- Don't fall when you know that she/he's not gonna catch you.

- If it's all about lust, make sure that no strings attached.

- Don't show any interest concerning to the person if you know that she/he's just up to a good conversation.

- If she's/he's sweet, ignore its taste. Taste it bitter and plain to avoid the "butterflies in stomach"

- If she/he compliments you, don't turn your colors on, it's innate to people

- Controlling your feelings is difficult to do, but do your best to see the reality and to listen to your brain.

- If you're about to fall and you know that she/he just sees you as friend or pastime, be the first one to put the distance and cut everything that connects you together.

- Smoke it out, feelings are unreliable. If sweetness is your weakness, then better work your brake.

Now Playing: Your Body is a Wonderland - John Mayer
: 2 days to go
: Migs Lorenzana

Monday, December 22, 2014

Wintertide Garb

It's pretty surprising to feel the subzero temperature of this year's Christmas season, unlike last year which was more tolerable. Mornings have been frosty and that compelled me to wear double apparel to combat the nippy without losing style. I always believe that you should not miss your style in every season that would come.

Beanie won't miss its spot on our head during Christmas because it warms our top plus its cool and stylish facade that makes us kicky. Hoodie or jacket has been the mainstream during chilly days, but sweatshirt is more fashion-forward which I presume that having it paired with shorts will make it eclectic tho. Good thing I have hairy legs to lessen the chill if I'm in a no-pants idea. 

Beanie: Human
Hoodie: Baleno
Shirt: SM Department Store
Shorts: Giordano 

Now Playing: Blank Space - Taylor Swift
: 3 days left before Christmas
: 12. 22. 14

Invading Male Modeling Scene


  The first step to any modeling career is to have "The Goods" for the part:

Chris Evans

                 a.) "Gwapo Face"

Marc Nelson

b.) "Macho" Body

Hugh Jackman

c.) "I'm Freaking Hot"


KEEP IN MIND:         

When you're facing the camera, learn to put romance on projecting. 

- If you're "panget" (ugly) you do jump shots, aside from it's cool effect, that'll hide your "pagkapanget" face as some photographers do advice this.

Getting amazed with your fellow male models is normal so don't be scared. 
(note: That doesn't mean you're gay if you do. No one's perfect and we have our own envies and insecurities.)

"Pare baka isipin mo na bakla ako pero sa'tin-sa'tin lang, ang gwapo niya no? Sana ganyan din ako kagwapo para total package talaga"

If you don't have character, Add an impact, on the spot right away! Fix your posture, straighten your back, broaden your shoulders, then express through your face. Show your "fierce" look.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Try to touch your tongue to your throat, that will help define your jaw.

CRITICAL PHASE:  Shooting Skin Shots

Usually, for the models who are going to walk on runway like for underwear show, they have to prepare for months that will show their concrete and well-formed bodies by going to the gym. They tend to workout their body everyday.

Photo Credit: Cosmopolitan


 Male models have their own different skin regimen. They have their "secrets" on maintaining their youthful glow.

Some male models are prudent on showing their vanity, some were in the "I don't care" statement because they believe it's for gays only. 

"As long as there's an alternative way to enhance their looks they would not stop developing and showing what they've got just to prove that they are flawless and clean with a good hygiene. Actually there's nothing wrong about it, THEY ARE MODELS AND SKIN IS THEIR MARKET!"

Modeling is basically body projection and presenting whatever you're supposed to present. All runway Models are performers.

Photo Credit: Gallery Hip

Photo Credit: Essential Homme

Everything that models do on the runway - the poses, walking style, facial expression - relays certain messages to the audience, so it's good to get in touch with your body muscles before you sashay through the runway.

 Close your eyes then open them slowly while counting to 10. Now, close your mouth then open it slowly.

 Loosen up your body with a series of shoulders, legs, and back exercises.

 Facial expression must always blend with the clothes.

In the runway, you should be walking in a straight line with your toes and heels in, while maintaining good body posture - stand straight with your chest and butt sticking out.

At some point, it's not necessary if you're Handsome or Macho, not all the time, there are also Character Models. But sadly, there are standards in modeling, especially in ramp. Men should be at least 6-feet tall with a lean body, but you can always break the rules.

Internalize before you get on stage. Release all the tensions and stress in your body so you can focus well. For example, before a show, study what kind of clothes you'll be wearing. RTW's is different from bringing suits.


Get 8 hours of sleep. The skin pores tend to open more if you don't rest well.

In modeling, your investment is our face, so you have to take good care of it.

Wear black in a fashion go-see. It's elegant and it adds the impact to your body, making you look like skinnier if you're quite plus size.

Try to come early, usually, if the slots for models who we're really needed except if there's an exceptional has been completed, the next thing you can hear is "OKAY NEXT!"

Some events who need models for their shows or gigs really chooses models, BUT! If you have confidence to go to go-sees, it's okay. Some really encourages real men to try out, 'cause obviously, 

To feel good and confident, don't go for the extravagant pose.

       If you're thinking twice about your modeling dream, pursue it and go! Just believe in yourself and have a confidence. It requires a lot of sacrifices like being well-disciplined when it comes to the food you're eating or the diet itself and exercises . You have to shed tears and sweats to achieve your dream body, but after those hard works and sacrifices, you'll see that it is worth it. Everything is meant to be fair to miss a perfect character in and a package on you, so if you're tall, handsome, lean, macho, or to cut it short, "model type", don't waste the opportunity to share your package, instead flaunt it the way it is supposed to be sashayed.

Now Playing: Chandelier - Sia

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Social Climber's Village

      It's been a long time since I last updated this blog, and now I'm tryin' to continue this orthodox sense towards things that may come in and out.

      This post is hauled from my own experiences, and lately, I encountered another pissing scenario in Starbucks which branch is located somewhere in Malolos City, Bulacan. I almost thought that it is the worst branch to ever visit since they've got the most ill-mannered customers. I was having a conversation with my friend in Starbucks and since she's a very close friend of mine since I was teenage, we don't really care at all about the phraseology we are using and we believe that there's no obstruction or restriction of English in Starbucks 'cause obviously the place is designed to be "classy" in the Philippines, and people often go there to spare time relaxing and de-stressing, more likely for office workers, students and other individuals who want to chitchat and talk about their business and other stuff, so we don't need to get surprised if we hear people speaking in English.

      In the middle of our conversation, we heard this girl murmured "nasa Pilipinas naman kasi eh." My forehead furrowed when I heard that 'cause I knew that she was referring about our diction as if like hinting us indirectly to speak Tagalog instead and that was very rude to intrude, especially meddling to something that's none of your business so I insinuated "kung di nakakaintindi ng English, wag na lang makinig, nakikikinig na nga lang nagrereklamo pa." Then my friend restrained me from firing back again 'cause she's pretty much aware that if the bombarding proceeds, there'll be an intense argument between the rude girl and our party. I didn't mind the next attack of the girl because I'd appear ungentle to provoke a woman and I know my circumstance that time, we just let her rant on her own facing her girl friend.

      After few minutes, we're done with our business in the coffee shop so we stood up and ready to leave. My friend came closer to the girl and she said "miss, kung English man kami magusap, wala ka na dun. Starbucks po 'to, so expect mo na makarinig ng mga nag e-English kasi it's very normal naman in such place like this. Show some respect naman po"

      To the girl's surprised, she looked at my friend and said "Bakit? Inaano ba namin kayo?"  The other girl isn't saying anything but she looked so embarrassed about her friend's manner. I don't want an intense dispute because my friend is a girl and she's also confronting a girl so I tried to pull my friend from her arm and asked her to leave.

       We've shared our cents to them so I guess a cat fight between those girls isn't required at all and we were in public. We're the educated people so it's very neutral to avoid a mediocre or worst, a derp.

      With that experience, my notion about social climbing emerged as a serious problem of the society. I defined the girl to be a social climber at its finest 'cause she doesn't know any of the things that go around in the coffee shop. I'm not sure if she's a patron of the shop or just a new one from the mountain trying new stuff. I am fairly alarmed that we were in the right place to speak English which is very innate to us.


   Yung nagfefeeling na mayaman.

   Hindi ba sila nahihiya? Tsk

   Syempre hindi! Makakapal nga mukha nila eh.

   "YOU CAN'T ALWAYS PLEASE THE SOCIETY!" This has been the common quotation we live throughout the day whenever we're distraught, that sometimes we have to do better or have something better to fit in to the society, but the truth is we don't really need to fit in, we just have to learn how to be proud of oneself and not by putting too much comparison towards others.

   Minsan, may mga bagay na di mo na dapat pinu-push kasi yun lang talaga ang meron ka. Bakit naghahangad ka ng mga bagay na wala naman sa'yo? Walang masama sa paghahangad kung kayang makuha sa tamang paraan.

     Anyway, I made list of these Social Climbers and arrogant people that I happened to see and I've encountered. I'm making this post not to cause harm and fight to anybody, but as a lesson and awareness.

Let's roll it down......

1.)  The DSLR Cameras.. I really want to wrap the strap of that camera around your neck and choke you to death!! Camera will always be a camera and not an I.D. okay lang isabit yan sa leeg ninyo, kasi hindi naman yan handy-dandy pero bakit pati sa mall? Sa simbahan? Sa sementeryo? Pati pagbili sa supermarket may nakasabit na DSLR? Ano 'to? Bagong I.D? Wala naman sa mukha mo naka DSLR!

2.)  Texting your friends that you're partying in an exclusive and high-class club, but, you're actually partying in a cheap bar. I don't get these people why they have to brag about it? It wouldn't define your class when you just paid the entrance fee without the cocktails and liquors to haze you out

3.)  Memorizing Fashion Designers name and some International brands. You can specify the name of the designer but I'm sure na di ganun ka broad yung knowledge mo sa set of works niya. Kaya if I were you, titigilan ko ang pagtitweet o status sa names nila at other brands kung ayaw mong masabihan na nagfifeeling.

4.)  Angular tweets saying "I'M ENJOYING MY STARBUCKS" is lame and fake 'cause he's only sipping a 3-in-1 coffee, really! I mean it, I know some people who do it and has become the mainstream in some coffee shops. Actually, laos at gasgas na ang Starbucks, isip na lang kayo ng mas mamahalin para mainggit sila, kasi wala din naman sa mukha mo yung araw-araw nagi-Starbucks. In addition to this, insert these people taking selfie right next to the Starbucks logo and cups.

5.)  Wearing different clothes and labeling it as expensive and prohibitive where in reality you just bought it in Tiangge or Ukay-Ukay. Wag mo lang ipapasilip yung etiketa at baka masapak ka nung taong niloloko mo! You know what? there's nothing wrong on buying and acknowledging bargain courtesies and Ukay-Ukays. Actually, you can find more useful stuff there since it comes with varieties with deflated prices and not to mention that some celebrities have been the patron of such kind.

6.)  Posting photos like you're a model when you just used a digital camera with a high mega pixel resolution. And the poorest is, pinangalanan mong "model shoot" yung album mo sa FB. Juice colored! Have a consideration, magkaron ka ng kahihiyan at baka pagtawanan ka pa! In addition again, insert these people who change their occupation as model when you just had a fun shoot, yes, a FUN SHOOT! You ain't out there posing like a real model, mind telling you.

7.)  There's nothing more annoying than to hear these inconceivable people saying "I don't want to go in public/wet market, so yucky!" with matching English pa, like conyo. Hindi sana nakakainis kasi talagang ganun ang scene dun, maputik, mabaho, at malansa, but do you think you own any rights to say that if your house is filthier or worse, you're living near the vicinity of squatters and dike? Shame on you!

8.)  Claiming yourself as a relative of a celebrity or supermodel.. You don't tell us that you're a cousin of a supermodel and probably, not a super close friend of a local celebrity. Utang na loob! Baka mamaya friends lang kayo nung model sa FB, sinabi mo na agad na friends kayo in real life. Magkaiba yun! Eh baka mamaya ikaw lang nakakaalam na close kayo pero siya ni anino mo di alam na nageexist masabi mo lang na dikit ka sa sikat. Bawas-bawasan din paghithit ng katol minsan.

9.)  Hijacking people in a social circle is probably one of the most common and rampant scenarios that a social climber could do especially if the social climber is reckoned by the social. If they see that you're surrounded with such good-looking, famous and rich friends, they will wear your shoes to run around your circle. Di siya titigil hangga't di niya nananakaw yung mga kaibigan mo for his own benefit.

10.)  Newly branded boutique  just opened with the celebrities' participation which led to torrential people to come for the sake of good publicity. This recently happened when H&M unveiled their emporium in a mall in Mandaluyong. Nakakagulat yung mga dumagsa para lang makapag post sa facebook, instagram at twitter na present sila that day, kahit na kakapiranggot lang na medyas yung binili nila, masabi lang na they purchased an H&M brand. Aba matinde!

11.)  Stealing food photos from the internet and posting it on your Instagram account as your own credit just to boast with full force hashtags. This is derp!

12.)  Claiming that you're a fan of international tv series and movies when you don't actually put any interest on giving a glance to its numerous series because you don't really understand them. Kung hindi pa dahil sa subtitle at summary plot (thanks to wikipedia) baka bumaha na ng dugo.

Now Playing: Weekend - Verite
: Christmas Break

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