Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Graphite Skates on Paper

I've been very busy these past few months to update the blog and I started overhauling this December, but to fill up the extensive gap, I've decided to post an entry about my illustrations.

 I usually draw whatever I like, sometimes I illustrate unorthodox and atypical characters from their original figure, sort of curiosity. When you want to imagine your favorite characters in different way you have  to compromise with your curiosity and start creating your own version. Chip some apparel if she or he's wholesome, cover up those liberated characters and the like. That's how I visualize things. I just don't imagine them and encapsulate them inside, I create and reinvent them as well and it's a great feeling to recreate.

Just to end this year with optimism and productivity, I'm gonna share some recreated objects

This is my favorite drawing 'cause putting the strawhat members in one portrait with different facial expressions (which is norm to their disposition) is one crucial part. But when you made it right according to your visualization, the art is sufficient to enjoy.

It's not like seeing Boa Hancock of One Piece in a kimono as conventional, so keeping her wholesome just for one day is pretty much playful, far from her original character as the snake princess of Amazon Lily with a very seductive appearance.

Black Leg Sanji is now a beefcake chef with benign and gentle facial feature. Girls would run after him just to date him out in reverse to the original scene.

Envisaged guy. I guess this is a product of how I want to have his facial features.

Reinvented Nelo and Patrasche of "Dog of Flanders"

Truth be told, but fallen angels are sexy

It's only Manga-riffic!

Oh well, I haven't practiced my "talent" for almost 8 months and I thought of losing a good skill at 8th degree. You know what they say, practice makes perfect, and for the betterment of your work, practicing everyday is just and genuine for the rigidity of your talent.

Now Playing: Dear Friends - Triplane
: Hobby
: Migs Lorenzana

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