Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sweetness is Toxic

I'm posting this entry as every person is fragile when sweetness comes in the way. This is somewhat a good discussion since I thought everyone could relate and through personal experience you'd find yourself feeling the same way as if like we're talking virtually, so I advice that we should learn how to control our feelings and don't let ourselves get tangled when someone led us to the intimacy of sweetness because it's either they'll take a stand on that sweetness and bring us to the next level, or the luck there off which I'm referring to being left behind sooner or later. 

Unfortunately, you fell in love already and you fell alone because you have misinterpreted the treatment that person gives, sadly, she's/he's sweet to everyone and not exclusively.

We are delighted by the happiness of another, and metaphysically, can be dismayed from another too. Too much sweetness is toxic, it gets your feelings painted with right hues you thought and at the same time, it breaks you when you misinterpreted the real meaning.


- Don't get too attached!

- Don't fall when you know that she/he's not gonna catch you.

- If it's all about lust, make sure that no strings attached.

- Don't show any interest concerning to the person if you know that she/he's just up to a good conversation.

- If she's/he's sweet, ignore its taste. Taste it bitter and plain to avoid the "butterflies in stomach"

- If she/he compliments you, don't turn your colors on, it's innate to people

- Controlling your feelings is difficult to do, but do your best to see the reality and to listen to your brain.

- If you're about to fall and you know that she/he just sees you as friend or pastime, be the first one to put the distance and cut everything that connects you together.

- Smoke it out, feelings are unreliable. If sweetness is your weakness, then better work your brake.

Now Playing: Your Body is a Wonderland - John Mayer
: 2 days to go
: Migs Lorenzana

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